Some Super-Guy: Can I join your team?
Captain Gatling: Private party, sorry.
Some Super-Guy: I´m level 20.
Captain Gatling: Great. Go tell Mary Jane.
Some Super-Guy: C'mon, why can´t I join your team?
Captain Gatling: I dont like your name.
Some Super-Guy: Well, I dont like yours.
Captain Gatling: Mine doesn´t sound Super-Gay.
Some Super-Guy: You are harrassing me.
Captain Gatling: It´s not harrassing. I´m roleplaying.
Some Super-Guy: How?
Captain Gatling: I´m playing an hetero-fascist motherfucker.
Some Super-Guy: That´s odd.
Captain Gatling: No, it isn´t. Your name is.
[5 minutos de silencio en la ventana del chat]
Some Super-Guy: Hey, I have some cool ice-blasting superpowers you guys can use. Let me join.
Captain Gatling: You again? Ok, it´s not about your Super-Gay name shit.
Some Super-Guy: So?
Captain Gatling: Your name is Super-Gay, but your looks are just Mega-Gay.
Some Super-Guy: I will report you for harrassing me.
Captain Gatling: So I will report you for wearing those frightening tight pants.
Some Super-Guy: Fuck you.
Captain Gatling: Hey, take it easy. It´s not bad to be gay. It´s just that no cock-eating guy will fit well in our super-group.
Some Super-Guy: You are now in my ignore list.
Captain Gatling: At least! Go find some Midnighter to play with, oh queeen of the spandex...
Con lo que te gusta ese juego y vas a conseguir que te larguen antes del primer mes....
Mira lo que hace El Hombre MaloSiempre podrás decir que te estaba guionizando el Millar ese...
Mira lo que hace AdrianPero al final te dejaron jugar?
Mira lo que hace Mostaza de CanelaPues Capitán Gatling sí que suena HIPER-MEGA-DECA-GAY....
Mira lo que hace GermánSalvo por lo de cock-eating, esto sería cojonudo para una tira de PvP...
Mira lo que hace IsabeloEntre tu y Porras vais a hacer una de amigos...
Mira lo que hace Santi